All experience is an arch, to build upon- Henry B. Adams


3D Nail Art/Appliques!!

I’ve been meaning to post this up for a VERY very long time Sad smile

I’ve never been a fan of nail art per se, but I find it looks good on you’re fourth finger on one hand like a little pop of something interesting. Doing every single nail most times is a bit much for me.
I came across these cute little 3d nail art appliques. I wouldn’t say they’re stickers like the ones you’d get when you were 9 years old that were hard plastic things that fell off in 2 minutes. These are very thin, delicate “stickers” with a slightly rubbery/silicon feel to them. They’re so delicate that if you try to pick them off of the plastic sheet they come on you might rip them and there goes your applique Sad smile

You apply them to completely dry nail polish or a bare nail depending on what you want to do by taking a tweezers or very carefully peeling them off of the plastic sheet, applying them gently to whatever part of the nail you find suitable and pressing lightly to ensure that it is stuck. In order to “seal” it in place it’s important to apply a coat of clear nail polish so that it doesn’t get dug into or hair doesn’t lift it off (which tends to happen if you pass your hand through your hair over and over without having applied the clear coat). I apply the top coat mainly because when I pass my hands through my hair I don’t like the rubbery texture of it which grabs onto my hair.

I loveeee them!! They’re adorable and last forever, up until you decide to take them off. In order to take them off, you can’t rub nail polish remover over them and expect them to come off….because they won’t. Use a cotton ball dipped in nail polish remover to take off the clear coat then pick the applique off with your nail, then proceed to take off the rest of the nail polish. I would say they last longer than your nail polish, as the nail polish could chip/fade/peel or whatever and the sticker would STILL be there.

I had picked up cute little white flowers with rhinestones in the middle (which to tell you the truth are kind of annoying when I pass my hands through my hair) and the cutest little pandas ever!! They also had monkeys, crabs/lobsters, puppies, kittens etc but I held back and just got the pandas and flowers.

They’re such a fun way to dress up a nail look, and all you need to do is apply it to ONE finger Open-mouthed smile Not only does it not look over done, but it saves the rest of appliques for future use!!

flowers 2
flowers 1
pandas 1
pandas 3

Isn’t Mr Panda adorable?!?!
The Crème packs cost about $18ttd in WW which is around $3usd? Probably cost less in the US as most of the stuff sold here is wayyyyy cheaper away.
The L.A Colours white flowers cost $10ttd so a little over $1 usd.

Affordable, cute and easy to apply!!!


  1. adorable <3 the panda is just the cutest little thing! and i agree its just enough, sometimes i think nails look a bit too busy when there is something on each finger that isnt even uniformed

  2. Simple and beautiful. What will be the price of those products.
    Looking forward for your reply.

    nail flowers
